Anarchists Traitor’s Regime in Nepal

Anarchists Traitor’s Regime in Nepal

– Dirgha Raj Prasai,
‘Nepal Mother’ suffers from four major diseases; 1) Corruption, 2) Cancer, 3) Christianity and 4) Communist (the communist that signed the 12-point pact in New Delhi 0n 22 November 2005). Among the four diseases the Corruption including Christianity have become so rampant Nepal that every segment of the society – politics, industry, commerce, business, religion, and media – is affected every individual. His ethos, his mores, his morals, his principles, his ethics, his outlook, his personality, his attitudes, his judgment is affected and compromised by the raging cancer called corruption. The cancer is dangerous but it spreads only in the body of the individual, but corruption is viral, violent, and vicious slowly poisoning the whole country. In fact it has already engulfed the country and suffocating the very breath of the nation. Our welfare will be in ridding Nepal mother of these diseases. Every household is under the perpetual grim concern of our nation’s dark future. Nepali Congress’ late Girija Prasad Koirala had invited these diseases in Nepal. Although Girija is already dead but the anti-nationalist crimes that he had committed will never be forgotten. Girija became the creator of anti-nationalistic activities after 2006 in Nepal. UML, Maoist including other political leaders under the guidance of NC leader Girija was directed by Indian intelligence wing ‘RAW’. They signed the 12 point pact on 22 November 2005 and by accumulation of adequate resources launched the people’s uprising in 2006, embarking on Nepal’s destruction.

The agitation came to an abrupt end when a consensus was reached with King Gyanendra. The agreement reached with the King was sidelined while anti-nationalist issues of secularism, republic and federalism that had not been broached during the agitation were imposed upon us. The betrayal of this nation starts from this point. The resultant retrogression is caused by these factors.

Dristi weekly had written on 25 December 2007, ‘RAW chief Ashok Chaturvedi had contrived through reconciliation between Nepali Congress and Maoists that Nepal would become a single republic in the interim constitution. Chaturvedi planned the agreement between Prime Minister late Girija Prasad Koirala and Maoist chairman Prachanda with UML general secretary Madhav Nepal as the witness.’ It is clear that foreigners were very active in playing with Nepal’s sovereignty from that time onwards. India with the help of ‘RAW’ is using the unsatisfied factions in Tarai to make Nepal suffer. RAW has been active for almost 40 years.” Similarly, on 26 December, 2007 Janaastha weekly had published, “Home Minister Krishna Sitaula is a person who maintains close relation to Indian intelligence network. Regardless of what goes between PM Koirala and Dr. Shekhar Koirala, the latter imports Indian intelligence agents.’ This is the very reason why they have chosen to vandalize the statues of the nation’s creator Prithvi Narayan Shah and nationalist monarch Mahendra and decided not to celebrate Poush 27 (Nepali date) as the national unity day.

Whereas the Maoist party systematically killed thousands of Nepali people. Why did they launch a decade long people’s war by destroying billions worth of nation’s property? They do not have any answer. The Maoists that became the largest party in the Constituent Assembly Election lost after coming to power. After the uprising in 2006 Girija became the PM who went on to destroy all identities and base pillars of the nation. Then Prachanda became the PM from the Maoist side. He could not accomplish a single work in the interest of the nation. He resigned without a cause. They themselves have dishonored the political norms and values.
After Prachanda’s senseless resignation the cabinet was formed by those who had either lost the election or not participated and those tarnished individuals. This rabble that included Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Finance Minister, Defense Minister, Information Minister, Culture Minister were those who had lost the election. The Indian side gave its ardent support to this cabinet. Madhav Nepal became the PM and he too contributed in the continuing process of retrogression of this nation.

Now amidst a big conspiracy and in secret agreement with Maoist’s Prachanda UML’s irresponsible person Jhalanath has become the PM. Jhalanath Khanal is one of the corrupt and opportunist Communists. Both leaders signed in seven points secret agreements. The most notorious and suspicious points: 1) ‘To integrate Maoist combatants into security forces, we have agreed to form either a separate force of Maoist combatants or a combined force of Maoist combatants and other security forces, giving continuity to the ongoing work on the peace process, and 2) Both the parties agree on drafting the new constitution that ensures national independence, ending all forms of feudalism and strengthening people’s inclusive democracy besides institutionalizing a republican set-up and turning Nepal into a federal system by restructuring the state.’ Is it the way of solution? In fact, in the context of Nepal, the Communism is known just-‘sugarcoated poison.’

The leaders of Congress and UML have proved themselves as corrupt in the eyes of the Nepali people. Maoist is also concentrating on making Nepal crisis-ridden. Maoist party has become a huge problem for Nepal. No one can determine as yet what the intention and views of the Maoists. Maoists utter hundred different talks. The Maoists, which in 2005 had wanted to cooperate with the King, has become the supporter of republic. Maoists call themselves communists. The communist policy is class struggle not ethnic division. The ethnic federal state with right to self determination is a path to disintegration of this nation. In Nepal’s context what can we expect from those treading this anti-nationalist path? Why has such a drastic change taken place in Maoist party which had once stood for cooperating with the monarch? What are the foundations of Nepal’s nationality? Maoist party must understand how this nation had once stood so firmly.

To support India, which is looking to keep Nepal under its umbrella, and advocate republic, is tantamount to playing with Nepal’s existence. After Sikkim was forcibly annexed into the Indian Territory, B.P Koirala had said, ‘Nepal will not remain if royal institution ceases to exist. May the monarch’s royalist motives and people’s democratic interest combine?’ Why the Maoists do not accept this fact?

The conspiracy is in progress gradually to end the Nepalese nationality by cutting off the hands and legs of proud Nepali people. Indian intelligence wing is using the Nepali political party’s brokers like it had once used of Sikkim’s traitor Lendup Deroje. These politicians are indulging in destruction, corruption, bribery and treading the unconstitutional path. They are taking Nepal down the ignominious depths. The interim constitution which was created after the 12-point understanding reached in 2005 by Indian intelligence wing does not hold any legitimate status. It has become naked and its legitimacy has ended.

Surya Bahadur Thapa, the supporter of monarchy who transformed the Panchayat system into an undemocratic institution and brought it to the pond, where buffaloes take bath, is now an ardent republican. The NC leader Girija Prasad Koirala, who had brought the democratic system and Nepal to surface, has become a character to be detested, even after death. The Nepalese people are suffering due to these two foreign brokers. The Maoist rebellion started from Girija’s black rule. It is due to Girija and his pocket workers that there is no security in the nation.

The nation is reeling from general strikes, wheel strikes, murder, theft, arson and so on. Those who are able to instigate chaos become the leader and this has become the base of taking over the regime. It has become a tradition that the leader who is able to commit the biggest crime becomes the biggest leader. In Nepal anarchy is being institutionalized. What can be more unfortunate for the nation? The nation is in such a perilous state of drowning because a timely action was not initiated against such traitors.

America wants its presence in the world and this is against the interest of socialists. However, in Nepal the American motive, rather than controlling socialism, is for disintegrating China through Free Tibet. The American interest is also of foisting Christianity in Nepal. Nepal’s socialists are not able to free themselves of the ideological chaos. The Mao China’s views on Nepali communists were that although the latter were of revolutionary façade they were directed as per the Indian design. In reality Nepal’s communists are not able to free themselves of this stigma.

In Nepali politics, economy and everything else is in chaos. If this situation persists, the civil wars that destroyed Afghanistan, disintegrated Yugoslavia and Iraq, will hit Nepal and we will have to become refugees in our own nation. We will have to live as orphans. Will it be suitable for Nepal Army and nationalist Nepali people to only stare at this dangerous situation?

It will not do to only watch. The patriots of this nation must concentrate only on how to save this holy-land. The Nepali people are not in favor of watching this black drama. They do not know how to draft a new constitution nor do they know how to follow the old one. What kind of politics is this? These are the results of forceful displacement of the royal institution under the guidance of America and India. Nepal will not be able to run like this. If this situation persists, not only Nepal, America also will lose its super power and China and India will also not remain secure. We can reach a resolution by forming an all party cabinet in the presence of the monarch on the foundation of 1990 constitution to rid of anarchists. All the people are demanding to reinstate the monarchy- ‘King Come, save Nepal.’ We can condition this on retaining peace and stability in Nepal and this region and redress the balance and coordination between Nepal’s nationality, royal institution and democracy. There are no other alternatives.
-The Author can be reached at : [email protected]