Help needed ! Please!!!!!

Help needed ! Please!!!!!

Dear all,

This has been published as an appeal for help on behalf of Sushma Shrestha who lost her husband Manish Shrestha to cardiac arrest (heart attack) on the fateful day of 3rd of Feb 2011 at 10:45 am. He was only 30 and had come to the UK to pursue his higher education. With his untimely demise, his wife and children have been left in lurch besides being grief stricken in this foreign land.

At this time of tragedy, all benevolent people, including leaders of Nepalese community, Nepalis brothers and sisters and other friends, are uged for their generous financial help in order for sending the body of the deceased to Nepal for the funeral rites.

The details where you can send in your help is as follows:

Account Holder’s Name: Sushma Shrestha

Bank: Barclays Bank

Sort Code: 204276

Account Number: 93806979