Traitors’ betrayals in Nepal from 06-10

Traitors’ betrayals in Nepal from 06-10

By Dirgha Raj Prasai,
After 2006, Nepali Congress, CPN (UML) and Maoists, in the name of nationality and democracy, kept everyone under illusion and through threat and intimidation forced them to take part in the uprising. The leaders of the so-called big parties have done nothing except treason. Since the 12-point agreement reached in November 2005, at the direction of Indian investigative organization ‘RAW’, NC, UML and Maoists have risked Nepal’s nationality and democracy.

The issues of secularism, republic and federalism incorporated in the 12-point agreement are not their agendas rather a mission of CIA, RAW, European nations and Christians. The Brahmin traitors who are the prominent leaders of NC, UML and Maoist (including various NGOs and INGOs) have with support of foreign tools and resources become active and betrayed this holy land under the direction of foreigners.

The first betrayal was after the agitation in 2006, the contending had the internal support of NC, UML and Maoists who sought the king as the alternative for crisis. Four years ago, on 24 April 2006 an agreement was reached to revive the abolished parliament by them.

Although the monarch did not posses any right to revive the parliament it was done so on the basis of agitation’s mandate. Nepali Congress leader late Girija Prasad Koirala was appointed to the Prime Minister. The PM’s oath taking was carried at the royal palace by the King. Gradually Prime Minister Girija broke the confidence over the 1990 Constitution and the agreement reached with the king. This is the cause of the current grave situation.

The second betrayal was against the sentiments of the people, whose constitution was tread upon through use of force. Without informing the monarch, on 18 May 2006, in the name of parliamentary declaration – the nation was declared a secular state. Under the straightforward direction of the foreigners, attacks were carried out on the sensitive conventions of the state. Then after, on 15 January 2007, an interim constitution was formulated and he became the head of state as he had desired.

The Maoist army was allowed under Maoist responsibility thereby creating two armies in the nation. After the Constituent Assembly, the election was declared unconstitutional. A caveat was conveyed to the monarchy through the Indian ambassador, that bombs may drop and the responsibility for his security could not be taken if he did not vacate Narayanhiti (which he, of course, did). The 12-point agreement to disrupt communal harmony by raising the issue of ethnic autonomy and entrapping the nation under the stratagems of Maoist army, has worked.

The third betrayal was on 18 May 2006. An interim constitution (through the NC, UML and Maoist declaration paper) was proclaimed without keeping a connection with the monarchy. Other than the people’s representatives elected through the 1990 Constitution, 83 lawmakers of the Maoist party and activists of other political parties were made the parliamentarians – acting upon self-will.

When the royal institution was still present, the Prime Minister was humorously declared as the head of state, and the House Speaker granted him the right to put the red seal on laws and ordinances. The anti-nationalist interim constitution was amended time and again narrowing it further. The rights of Nepalese citizenship as well as the rivers of Nepal were handed over to India.

The fourth betrayal-as a preliminary preparation to disintegrate the nation by giving support to the notion of One Madhes One State, 4 million Indian nationals were bestowed with Nepalese citizenship certificates, unscrupulously and in an artificial manner. Traitors such as Krishna Sitoula were made the Home Minister and the Nepalese citizenship was distributed to foreigners in extreme haste.

After this, efforts were directed to declare federalism to segregate the nation into ethnic lines. It is revealing now that the UNMIN which represented the US, Britain and European nations, along with Maoists, led the effort to supplant the nation’s Hindu status, Bikram Sambat, and Nepalese language with English language, A.D and Christianity. The Maoist leader Prachanda, who opposes imperialist character, amidst a mass meeting of Christians at the Open Theater on 20 April 2010, said ‘Those who oppose secularism will be kidnapped’ (Rajdhani, 21 April 2010). Clapping will not even be heard from the Christians in such an assemblage, unless profits are made by Maoists and foreigners.

Indian conspiracy is not the only one holding blame for the retrogression of Nepal, but to accept the decisive role of UN-UNMIN was another big betrayal. The US and UN (UNMIN) is pushing Nepal towards a dark future. The chief concern of the US and UNMIN is to make Nepal a springboard against China in the name of Free-Tibet.

UN Human Rights representatives are spending money openly in Nepal and they do not want to inform the government of this. It has been made public that nongovernmental organizations of Nepal, and specifically by these nations, are spending Rs.10 to 15 billion every year Annapurna Post 11 March, 2010). This is how the Brahmins of civil society came to be working as employees of the CIA.

The fifth betrayal was an unholy alliance between UNMIN (that manages the Maoist PLA) and the state’s army, which allowed it to be confined to barracks while the Maoist army (with weapons) was handed over the Maoist party’s responsibility. There was also a condition that ‘Girija Prasad and Madhav Nepal’s will be protected by the Maoist army rather than the national army. The Maoist army was taken care of and with their weapons, two armies were created in the nation. This is a betrayal of the nation. A few months ago Maoist’s Baburam Bhattarai said the Maoist party could revolt any time as it had its PLA and weapons intact. This is the cause of this tremendously grave situation.

The sixth betrayal are those who oppose, call general strikes, rape, kill, plunder and become the slaves of foreign forces, a trend which is set by addressing the demands of such and such which are made by people in power. It is in this manner that the rulers after 2006 worked to bring the nation into the condition it became – a failed state.

The Nepalese people are subject to murder, abduction, insecurity, shortage, inflation and more. In pragmatic terms, it is a notorious game that makes us slaves of foreign forces. If that weren’t enough, then the Supreme Court gave a new verdict. ‘The parliament may carry out amendments of any articles other than revert to one government system from federalism and royal institution from republican setup’. In essence, a Nepali scholar, Ratnasansar Shrestha, writes ‘The Supreme Court gave a verdict that the amendment cannot be carried out in regard to the royal institution and one government system. Its using power that it does not posses to strangle the right of Constituent Assembly’-(26 April 2010 Gorkhapatra). This is another betrayal.

The seventh betrayal is to not make efforts to draft the new constitution in time, which was stipulated and mandated by the people, while pilfering continues of billions of state properties. To extend the term after failing to draft the constitution in the stipulated time is another IMMENSE betrayal. As the agreement of 24 April 2006 reached with the monarchy has been broken, all the works pertaining to interim constitution, interim parliament and constituent assembly after 24 April has become unsuccessful. The Nepalese people should not be betrayed to systematically erase the existence of Nepal.

The state must inflict strict retribution to traitors working in political parties and non government organizations. The new Constitution cannot be made through traitors. Even if it is drafted, it cannot be supported. Let us not indulge in the vain effort to draft a new constitution. An inclusive cabinet should be formed for the purpose of its modification. It should be done by maintaining coordination and balance between Nepal’s nationality, royal institution and its democracy, and on the basis of the monarch’s declaration as per the 1990 Constitution of 20 April 2006. It is the best answer for a happy future for the Nepalese people. There is no other alternative.
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